When I see a rainbow in the sky it amazes me
How it bedecks the blue yonder with its prismatic hues 
It takes birth amidst golden sunshine and the rain  
This is after all God’s favorite muse 
It seems like an endless trail of colours in the azure 
And it begins from the horizon and ends in a pot of gold 
An epitome of beauty matchless and unparalleled 
Arched to perfection like in stories we have been often told
It seems a mere illusion across the outstretched skies
We assume it is eternal and will never fade away
We weave million of unrealistic dreams around it 
And are left heartbroken when for long it does not stay 
It’s ephemeral and teaches us to let go 
And in our eyes behold the beauty as long as it lasts 
Treasure those inimitable moments in our fading memory 
Surreal and enigmatic with an innate beauty it enchants
A hope for survival though lingers in our restive hearts 
It teaches us to hold on to our undying faith 
It shall surpass all the creations of the Gods above 
As it awaits the rare mating of sun and rain 
Beautiful music it creates like an ace musician 
In our dreams they haunt as they distantly echo 
When I need some luminance in my lusterless life
I steal a few vibrant colours from this arched bow

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An entrepreneur in HR field with previous work experience in education, hotels and training., I enjoy my journey of life trying to make my 16 year old daughter diagnosed with Down Syndrome, independent and well integrated into the society. Being a typical Taurean, I take life head on and am ready to face challenges with a perennial smile. A passionate poet, I love to spread sunshine through my poetry that touch souls.


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